A small village is torn apart by a quarrel between the baker and the italian grocery tenant, mother of a pregnant young girl. She accuses the baker's son, doing his military service in Algeria, to be the father of the would be child. Offended, the baker refuses to deliver bread to the villagers standing on the mother's side.
Félicien Hébrard, Valorgue baker
Mr. Aussel, postmaster
Mayor of Valorgue
Évariste, postman
Mrs. widow Zanetti, grocer and mother of Françoise
Françoise Zanetti, daughter of Mrs. Zanetti
Abbot Daniel, village vicar
Mrs. Clotilde Hébrard, wife of Félicien
Justin Hébrard, son of Félicien
Noël Courtade, aka 'Courte-cuisse', bicycle salesman
Miss Negret, old maid